Đề thi vào Lớp 10 THPT môn Tiếng Anh - Đề 11 - Năm học 2023-2024 (Có đáp án)

8. He went to a seaside resort because he was __________ on water-skiing.

A. bright                            B. eager                   C. keen                    D. interested

9. It took him years to __________ the shock of his wife dying.

A. take on                          B. get over              C. go off                  D. put off

10. He was advised that he __________ singing lessons.

A. should take                   B. will take             C. had taken            D. took

11. He will not be __________ to vote in this year's election.

A. old enough                    B. enough old          C. as old enough      D. enough old as

12. _______ extended family include several generations living together in the same house.

A. A                                  B. An                      C. The                     D. Ø

13. The crowd at the basketball game were wild_______excitement.

A. for                                B. like                     C. in                        D. with

14. I've tried those tablets and they are not_______in helping me stop coughing.

A. effective                        B. successful           C. profitable            D. helpful

15. Which is_______, Mount Everest or K2 in the Himalaya?

A. higher                           B. the higher            C. highest                D. the highest

16. He couldn't reach the goal, _______surprised me.

A. who                              B. whom                 C. which                 D. that

17. He will take US to the town __________ we can see old temples.

A. that                               B. which                 C. when                  D. where

18. This is the first time I __________ the experiment on plant breeding.

A. have done                     B. do                       C. would do            D. did

docx 6 trang thihien 19/05/2023 4460
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  1. ĐỀ 11 Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. arranged B. wanted C. climbed D. stayed 2. A. lazy B. sticky C. supply D. baggy Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 3. A. habitat B. athletics C. interview D. memory 4. A. benefit B. commercial C. encourage D. embroider Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 5. Tom has got the job. You must congratulate him for his success. A B C D 6. The cooker who is in the kitchen doesn’t work anymore. A B C D 7. She will pay less but she uses two energy-saving bulbs. A B C D Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 8. He went to a seaside resort because he was ___ on water-skiing. A. bright B. eager C. keen D. interested 9. It took him years to ___ the shock of his wife dying. A. take on B. get over C. go off D. put off 10. He was advised that he ___ singing lessons. A. should take B. will take C. had taken D. took 11. He will not be ___ to vote in this year's election. A. old enough B. enough old C. as old enough D. enough old as 12. ___ extended family include several generations living together in the same house. A. A B. An C. The D. Ø
  2. 24. When you put on clothing or make-up, you place it on your body in order to wear it. A. take off B. look after C. wash up D. get on Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. It is estimated that about three billion people use the internet computer network around the world. Most people use the Internet to (25) ___information or for entertainment. A new study, however, shows US that almost 10% of Internet users are using it SO often that it is seriously harming their lives. The study says that these people may find it difficult to stop using the Internet because they have become addicted. Someone who is addicted finds it extremely difficult to stop (26) ___activity. According to a psychologist in the field. 30% of Internet users claim that they use the Internet to escape from (27) ___or emotions. The study also shows that having a chat or discussion with strangers on the Internet is one of the most (28) ___activities. 25. A. take B. get C. make D. catch 26. A. the B. a C. an D. Ø 27. A. trouble B. nuisance C. dangers D. problems 28. A. liking B. desired C. addictive D. hunted Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. It is a common saying that we do not fully value a thing until we lose it. We often value the love and worth of a friend when he has been taken from US by death more than when he was with US in the flesh; it is only when we have left school or college that we understand the greatness of our opportunity of education, which has gone forever; and it is the sick and the ailing who realize the value of good health, when we are young and strong, we cannot imagine what it is to be weak and ailing. We are so used to vigorous health that we take it for granted. The organs of our body work so smoothly that we scarcely know we have lungs and liver, heart and stomach. But when any of these gets upset and gives US pain and sickness, we learn by bitter experience what an unspeakable blessing it is to be well.
  3. D. Bob warned me that he would help her. 34. They had decorated the tree with colored balls. A. Colored balls had been decorated under the tree. B. The tree had been decorated with colored balls. C. They had decorated colored balls and the tree. D. With colored balls the tree had looked beautiful. 35. I don’t want to hear you complaining any more. A. I’ve had enough of your complaining. B. I wish to hear you complaining more and more. C. Why don’t you complain more? D. I’m too busy to listen to your complaining. 36. I didn't arrive in time to see her. A. I was early enough but I didn't see her. B. She was late so I couldn’t see her. C. I wasn't early enough to see her. D. I am so late that I can't see her. 37. The exercise was so difficult that we couldn’t do it. A. It was so a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it. B. It was too a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it. C. It was enough a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it. D. It was such a difficult exercise that we couldn’t do it. 38. He is sorry he is not able to speak English well. A. He wishes he can speak English well. B. He wishes he could speak English well. C. He wishes he is able to speak English well. D. He wishes he was able to speak English well. 39. Tom passed the test easily. A. Tom have no difficulty passing the test. B. Tom has no difficulty passing the test.