Kỳ thi khảo sát thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - Năm học 2023-2024 - Trường THPT chuyên Lam Sơn

Questions 41-50: Choose the word/ phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences
and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (10 points)
41. Biotechnology and genetic engineering have resulted in pest resistance and increased
_________ yields.
A. product B. crop C. amount D. outcome
42. After a week racking my brain, I’ve _________ an answer to your problem.
A. come up with B. come up against C. come down with D. come up to
43. The birds chirped a melodious tune at _________, welcoming the start of a new day.
A. sunset B. dawn C. dusk D. twilight
44. Your niece may not do her best at Mathematics and Chemistry, but she definitely_________ at
English Literature.
A. improves B. accomplishes C. excels D. masters
45. The game was cancelled _________ the heavy rain.
A. owing to B. despite C. because D. in spite of
46. The team is making good progress on the project and is on track to _________ the deadline.
A. pass B. extend C. miss D. meet
47. She bought a (n) _________ handbag.
A. Italian beautiful leather red
B. beautiful leather red Italian
C. beautiful red Italian leather
D. leather Italian beautiful red
48. Amy and Anna are classmates. They are talking about their dream jobs.
Amy: “What kind of job would you like?” – Anna: “_________.”
A. That will do
B. Anything after the next week
C. Any of them are good to me
D. Anything to do with journalism
49. They have just had air conditioning installed in their house, _________?
A. hadn’t they B. haven’t they C. didn’t they D. do they
50. Many families in the country are still behind the eight _________ and do not enjoy the same
standard of living that other people enjoy.
A. ball B. egg C. bowl D. bag 
pdf 7 trang thihien 19/05/2023 9101
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  1. SỞ GD & ĐT THANH HÓA KỲ THI KHẢO SÁT CÁC MÔN THI VÀO LỚP 10 TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN LAM SƠN THPT CHUYÊN LAM SƠN, NĂM HỌC 2023 - 2024 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh (Chuyên) ĐỀ THI CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: 16/4/2023 Đề thi có 05 phần, gồm 07 trang PART A. LISTENING (20 points) Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần. Thí sinh có 2 phút để hoàn chỉnh bài sau khi kết thúc 3 phần nghe. Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh đã có trong đề thi. Section 1 Questions 1-5: You will listen to a documentary about animal transport. Decide whether the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). (5 points) 1. In certain areas, animal transport can sometimes be more popular than modern types of transport. 2. Advanced vehicles perform as well as camels when crossing large deserts. 3. Camels can go without water for three to five days. 4. Temperatures in northern Alaska can hit the bottom of minus 15 degrees. 5. Dogsled is the only way to travel under unfavorable weather conditions. Section 2 Questions 6-15: Fill in each blank with ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER taken from the listening passage about Top Gear, a famous TV show from BBC. (10 points) 6. Top Gear, the most favorite BBC factual TV program about cars in the world, attracts about ___ viewers from 170 nations every week. 7. Russia and Australia made their own programs following the ___ bought from BBC. 8. However, they ended up coming back to the original version since the adapted ones were not ___ with the viewers. 9. Starting in the 1970s, Top Gear was a highly informative show. In ___, it gained widespread popularity and success thanks to its complete change of style. 10. The show was filmed in front of ___ audience, making it more entertaining. 11. Though three presenters of the show, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May, are male, about ___ of viewers are female. 12. In the new version of the program, a mysterious character was introduced to test new cars. No one could recognize him because he always wore a ___. 13. His identity was a big question, and that ___ added up to the popularity of the show. 14. In 2015, Jeremy Clarkson lost his job as a result of having a(n) ___with the colleague and hitting him. 15. The other two hosts also left the show but that did not put an end to the program as it still went on with new___. 1
  2. 27. The factory's waste disposal system (CONTAMINATE) ___ the soil and groundwater for years now. 28. It is crucial that everyone (TAKE) ___ measures to mitigate the effects of global warming and adapt to its consequences. 29. A growing number of governments have imposed a ban on TikTok from official phones, ___ concerns over cybersecurity, privacy, and misinformation. (CITE) 30. By the end of this year, they ___ (SAVE) enough money to start their own business. Questions 31-35: Supply the correct form of the words in capital. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (5 points) 31. One of the ___ of Chat-GPT is its lack of ability to truly understand the complexity of human language and conversation. (LIMIT) 32. He remains confident and seemingly ___ by his recent problems. (TROUBLE) 33. Left-handedness, which is thought to be determined by genetic ___, occurs in about 8-9 percent of the population. (MAKE) 34. The data is ___ (VALID) automatically by the computer after it has been entered. 35. Since new regulations were enacted, serious crimes have declined ___. (SIGNIFY) Questions 36-40: The passage below contains 5 mistakes. Find out the mistakes and write the correct answers on your answer sheet. (5 points) Example: 0. Line 1: teenager teenagers Line 1 Parents complain that it is difficult to live with teenagers. Then again, teenager say exactly the same thing on their parents! According to a recent survey, the most common arguments between parents and teenagers are that regarding untidiness and household chores. On the one hand, parents go mad over untidy rooms and their children’s refusal to 5 help with the housework. On the other hand, teenagers lose their patience continually when parents tell them off for dropping the towel in the bathroom, not cleaning up their room or denying to do the shopping. Different parents have different approaches to these problems. Therefore, some approaches are much more successful than others. For example, those parents who yell at 10 their teens for their untidiness, but later clear up after them, have fewer chances of changing their teens’ behaviour. On the contrary, those who let teenagers to experience the consequences of their actions are more successful. Questions 41-50: Choose the word/ phrase that best fits the gap in each of the following sentences and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (10 points) 41. Biotechnology and genetic engineering have resulted in pest resistance and increased ___ yields. A. product B. crop C. amount D. outcome 42. After a week racking my brain, I’ve ___ an answer to your problem. A. come up with B. come up against C. come down with D. come up to 43. The birds chirped a melodious tune at ___, welcoming the start of a new day. A. sunset B. dawn C. dusk D. twilight 44. Your niece may not do her best at Mathematics and Chemistry, but she definitely___ at English Literature. A. improves B. accomplishes C. excels D. masters 45. The game was cancelled ___ the heavy rain. A. owing to B. despite C. because D. in spite of 3
  3. combination of their geographical locations; their financial, socio-economic, cultural, and gender status; and their access to resources, services, decision-making power, and justice. Poor and (65) ___ groups are calling for more ambitious action on climate change. Climate change is more than an environmental crisis - it is a social crisis and urges us to (66) ___ issues of inequality on many levels: between wealthy and poor countries; between rich and poor within countries; between men and women, and between generations. (Adapted from 59. A. inequality B. improvement C. solution D. development 60. A. best B. most C. least D. largest 61. A. exchange B. charge C. place D. terms 62. A. change B. identity C. difference D. shock 63. A. superstitious B. moral C. ethnic D. representative 64. A. rely on B. boil down C. put down D. lie in 65. A. contracted B. marginalized C. impaired D. entrusted 66. A. address B. face C. discuss D. deal Questions 67-74: Read the passage and choose the best answer to each question that follows. Write A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet. (8 points) Although rivers are important for many reasons, their most obvious benefit in the UK is the water they supply. According to Water UK, which represents the country’s water industry, about two- thirds of tap water in England and Wales comes from rivers and the reservoirs and lakes they flow into; the rest is taken from aquifers. Northern Ireland and Scotland rely almost exclusively on rivers, reservoirs and lakes. All told, 87 per cent of the UK water supply comes from these sources. According to government statistics, water companies in the UK abstract about 4.6 cubic kilometers of river, lake and reservoir water in England for the public supply every year. People drink it, bathe in it, flush their toilets with it, irrigate their gardens with it and use it to wash their clothes, floors and cars. Offices, shops, restaurants and other firms drink deep of it too. Water is abstracted for other purposes. Electricity generators take 3.4 cubic kilometers to turn their steam turbines, while fish and watercress farms use 0.8 cubic kilometers and agriculture and private water supplies another 0.8. Even in a relatively rainy country like the UK, that is milking it. The UK government estimates that about 1 in 5 surface water sources are depleted by over-abstraction, which has knock-on effects on river health. The opposite problem – too much water – is an increasingly familiar hazard during the winter. Flooding is a growing problem as climate change causes extreme weather events, including biblical downpours. According to the Environment Agency, the UK has had six of its 10 wettest years on record since 1998. Last year was the first to see three named Atlantic storms in the space of a week. Natural floodplains can help to mitigate flood risk by corralling the excess water and releasing it slowly back into the river. That is especially true of riverine landscapes engineered by beavers, whose dams and pools massively slow the passage of water through the system. Where rain used to hit the ground and surge straight into the waterways, it now is trapped for weeks. Beavers are being reintroduced all over the UK after they gained legal protection last year. (Adapted from 67. With which of the following is the passage primarily concerned? A. Drinking water and flood management B. Habitats for various aquatic animals C. Water for public use D. Electricity generation 68. Which parts of the UK rely almost exclusively on rivers, reservoirs and lakes for their water supply? A. England and Wales B. England and Scotland C. Scotland and Northern Ireland D. Wales and Northern Ireland 5
  4. PART E. WRITING (20 points) Questions 81-85: Rewrite each of the following sentences beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same. (5 points) 81. I couldn’t have completed my thesis but for your encouragement. If you ___. 82. She was so shocked to hear the news that she couldn’t even utter a word. Such ___. 83. As she was a witness to the accident, she was asked to make a statement. Being ___. 84. A powerful car uses a lot of fuel. The more ___. 85. Mike will give you lots of excuses for being late, don’t believe any of them. No matter ___. Questions 86-90: Rewrite each of the following sentences using the given words so that it keeps the same meaning. Do not change the form of the words given. (5 points) 86. It is certain that the weather will change by the end of the week. (BOUND) The weather ___. 87. The boy’s behavior was incomprehensible to his family. (BEYOND) The boy’s behavior was ___. 88. Many people say that Jeremy is good at gardening. (FINGERS) Jeremy ___. 89. It was a race against time to rescue the injured victims in the accident. (CLOCK) They were working ___. 90. The new mayor is well-informed about current affairs. (WIDE) The ___. III. Essay writing (10 points) Write an essay of 200 to 220 words concerning the following topic: Fast food is becoming increasingly popular in many countries. What are the negative effects of eating too much fast food? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. THE END Họ tên thí sinh SBD: Chữ ký của CBCT1: Chữ ký của CBCT2: 7