Kỳ thi tuyển sinh trường THPT chuyên Ngoại ngữ môn Tiếng Anh - Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ

Flipping the classroom – the practice of giving students access to lectures before they come to
class and using class time for more engaging activities – has not been nearly as divisive as many other
trends in educational technology, such as massive open online courses or outsourcing digital services. A
comparison between the flipped classrooms and their traditional counterparts found no demonstrable
difference in student outcomes.
Criticism of the flipped classroom model is usually derived from arguments between the didactic
and progressive camps in education. Members of the didactic camp oppose flipping the classroom to
preserve the role of the teacher, while the progressive camp instead advocates a move toward projectbased learning and inquiry. There’s also the knee-jerk reaction to something new. Students in flipped
classrooms can no longer expect to sit through a lecture and complete work on their own time. When
coupled with challenging course materials and a shaky internet connection, the change has led many to
voice their frustration on social media. The same goes for professors, who can no longer expect to give
90-minute presentations. The extra work that goes into recording videos and planning classroom sessions
leads many teachers to report an exhausting first year of flipping the classroom. As a matter of fact, good
ideas in education are incredibly fragile. I am, therefore, not so optimistic that people are going to be on
their mettle.
Some critics, like Ian Bogost, a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology who placed
himself in the “cautiously cautious” camp on flipped classrooms, said the model is only one of many
factors in the larger debate about technology-based educational reform. The matter, in fact, is not the
flipped classroom specifically; it is the evolving anxiety involved with the operation and ownership of
institutions. Change is a process that tends to solidify quickly. If a school were to make this, by the third
year it could be set in stone. Additionally, one of the most important concepts in teaching is creating
opportunities to make thinking visible. When teachers can really see the thinking of their students, they
can provide these students with the support and encouragement they need to be successful. It is believed
that by using the thoughtful approach to the flipped learning method, teachers have an amazing
opportunity to gain insights into where students are struggling.
28. According to paragraph 1, what is mentioned about flipping the classroom?
A. It better draws students’ attention to classroom activities.
B. It insists on the importance of studying before class.
C. It produces exactly the same results as normal classrooms.
D. It is one of several educational technological trends.
29. What could best replace the word “didactic” in paragraph 2?
A. radical B. innovative
C. orthodox D. disciplinary
30. What is the main purpose of paragraph 2?
A. To criticize the application of flipped learning
B. To explain the disapproval of flipped classrooms
C. To report problems in the first year of flipping learning
D. To show students’ problems in flipped classrooms 
pdf 8 trang thihien 19/05/2023 4460
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  1. ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC NGOẠI NGỮ ĐỀ THI MẪU KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN NGOẠI NGỮ NĂM 2021 MÔN THI: TIẾNG ANH Tổng số câu hỏi: 61 câu hỏi Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (Bao gồm thời gian chuyển câu trả lời sang Phiếu trả lời)
  2. 16. I would rather that it ___ not summer now. A. be B. being C. were D. is 17. These two young artists ___ remarkable success in the coming competition as their current performance is superb. A. are bound for B. are quick of C. make way for D. make good on 18. I doubt whether the game will ever ___ with teenagers. A. call over B. fall off C. catch on D. sew up 19. The vice director is supposed to ___ when her boss is gone away on business. She will be responsible for solving all the company’s affairs during this period. A. go with the flow B. call the shots C. face the music D. get the picture PHẦN 6: ĐIỀN TỪ Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất để điền vào mỗi chỗ trống trong đoạn văn. The glorious Mekong Delta is one of the most appealing destinations with a unique ecosystem and diverse communities. This colorful treasure is rich (20) ___ meandering waterways and flourishing farmland, creating an unforgettable experience that will leave tourists with the most wonderful memories. Life (21) ___ the maze of river and canal networks here, and many areas are accessible by boats only. (22) ___ Vietnam’s Rice Bowl, the region covers a vast area of endless paddy fields, producing around half of Vietnam’s agricultural output. Rice, however, isn’t the only product. The Mekong River Delta in Vietnam also (23) ___ mangoes, papayas, dragon fruits, coconuts and pineapples. Lush orchards overflowing with tropical fruit, floating markets and villages built on stilts are all highlights, but (24) ___ that impress visitors most. This area is one of Vietnam's most (25)___ regions. The people in this region are made up of Vietnamese and people of Cham, Khmer and Chinese ancestry, which accounts for the variety of religions that add to the cultural diversity of this delta. Interestingly, (26) ___, their old way of life still remains. Visitors to this area can see people napping on hammocks on the side of the street or even hear the sound of karaoke echoing from someone’s house. They also have plenty of opportunities to (27) ___ the locals, who are hospitable, kind and resilient, as well as get in touch with the local culture. 20. A. in B. at C. of D. for 21. A. builds around B. revolves around C. hangs upon D. draws on 22. A. As a result of B. Because of C. Known as D. In addition to 23. A. abounds with B. clocks up C. bricks up D. swarms with 24. A. the locals are B. it is really the C. the locals are D. they are really those locals something the locals 25. A. busily occupied B. completely packed C. heavily dwelt D. densely populated 26. A. Vietnam develops B. no matter how C. what matters is D. that Vietnam develops fast as a matter fast Vietnam Vietnam develops fast is the matter of course develops fast in hand 27. A. assimilate into B. stick with C. adhere to D. socialize with 2
  3. 32. What can be inferred from the sentence “I am, therefore, not so optimistic that people are going to be on their mettle.”? A. I do not really long for strong resistance. B. I do not feel confident about conceptual changes. C. I have little hope that people will determine to change. D. I am not sure there will be more conflicts. 33. What does “this” in paragraph 3 refer to? A. the flipped classroom B. the evolving anxiety C. the process of change D. the ownership of institutions 34. According to the passage, what does the writer imply about the trend towards flipped classrooms? A. It is a controversial issue. B. It is a strategic move. C. It is a desperate struggle. D. It is an inevitable trend. 35. What does the writer probably support? A. Flipped learning is rapidly established in current technology-based classrooms. B. Flipped learning facilitates teachers delving into learners’ expectations. C. Teachers should consider flipped learning to better comprehend students’ issues. D. Teachers are empowered to experiment with flipped learning in their classrooms. PHẦN 8: HOÀN THÀNH HỘI THOẠI Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng nhất ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống. 36. Brother: What are you getting Dad for his birthday? Sister: I don’t know. ___. A. His shopping is hard. B. He’s too hard to persuade. C. He’s so hard to buy for. D. He hardly ever tells me. 37. Husband: This chili sauce is really good. Wife: Of course, ___. A. it’s homemade B. it’s handmade C. it’s handcrafted D. it’s homecrafted 38. Tung: Which brand of computers should we get for the new office? Harry: I don’t know. ___. A. Let me do it up. B. Let me think it over. C. Let me get it across. D. Let me check it off. 39. Kien: Wow, you are stupid! Joe: Hey, you ___ me an apology! A. pay B. make C. grant D. owe 40. Jeff: How did you know we’d have a pop quiz today? Terry: ___. A. I just had an idea B. I just had a prophecy C. I just had a hunch D. I just had an omen PHẦN 9: SẮP XẾP HỘI THOẠI Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng nhất của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho. 41. a. That’s good news. b. You got a new phone. c. Guess what? d. No. My sister is getting married. A. a-c-b-d B. c-b-d-a C. c-d-b-a D. b-a-c-d 4
  4. 50. In some ways, walking is healthier than travelling by car, but it can be just as unhealthy because cities are much more polluted than they used to be. A. Walking is better for your health to some extent than driving a car particularly when people walk in a clean environment. B. Both walking and travelling by car are no longer healthy because of the increasingly high level of pollution in cities. C. Walking is not always better for your health than driving a car, such as in heavily polluted areas. D. Walking is even less healthy than driving in a car especially in cities as the environment there is much more polluted now. PHẦN 11: KẾT HỢP CÂU Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi. 51. Students don’t have the professor’s signature to use the materials. They can’t take them out of the library. A. Once the professor signs the materials, students can take them home after borrowing them from the library. B. The professor’s signature can be found on the materials when students borrow them from the library. C. The library can lend the material to students who have the professor’s signature on the materials. D. If students had the professor’s signature to use the materials, they could take them out of the library. 52. He phoned her early in the morning. He wanted to remind her to bring along the document. A. He phoned her early in the morning so that she would know to bring along the document. B. Because he was afraid that she would forget to bring along the document, he phoned her early in the morning. C. Unless she remembered to bring along the document, he would call her early in the morning. D. She was so absent-minded that he had to call her in the morning to remind her to bring along the document. 53. He was successful because he was determined to pursue personal goals. He was not talented. A. His success lay in his natural ability, not in his determination to pursue personal goals. B. It was his determination to pursue personal goals, not talent, that contributed to his success. C. In addition to his determination, his talent ensured his success in pursuing his goals. D. His determination to pursue personal goals made him successful despite being talented. 54. We are dying to know who the culprit is. Only Lan does not seem to be bothered in the least. A. We are all enthusiastic about the culprit, except for Lan, who seems to be quite disturbed. B. All of us are relatively inquisitive to know the culprit but Lan seems to be dispassionate. C. Who the culprit is appears unappealing to Lan whereas it captures all others’ attention. D. Who the culprit is seems to draw our attention, particularly Lan, who is bothered by it. 55. I discovered I had crossed the line from experiment to lifestyle. I had survived and even enjoyed the whole winter without a TV. A. That I had to survive after the experiment and enjoy the whole winter without a TV was actually beyond my limit. B. Surviving from and even enjoying the experiment of a whole winter with no TV was in line with my lifestyle. C. The discovery from the experiment focusing on lifestyle helped me get through and even value the whole winter without a TV. D. I had gone beyond my experiment and formed a new lifestyle when managing to live merrily the whole winter without a TV. 6