Ôn thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - So sánh bằng (Có đáp án)

So sánh ngang bằng

as … as

- Thể khẳng định

tobe + as + adj + as

verb + as + adv + as

- Thể phủ định

be not + as + adj + as

not verb + as + adv + as

Eg: She is as tall as her sister (Cô ấy cao như chị gái)

Linda doesn’t play piano as well as her friend. (Linda không chơi piano giỏi như bạn cô ấy)

the same …. as

- Cấu trúc

be/ verb + the same + (noun) + as

- Eg: Chloe is the same age as Elsa. (Chloe cùng tuổi với Elsa)

Chú ý

- Cấu trúc “as…as” cũng có thể diễn đạt bằng cấu trúc “the same … as”

- Bảng chuyển đổi tính từ sang danh từ tương ứng

doc 3 trang thihien 23/05/2023 6980
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Nội dung text: Ôn thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - So sánh bằng (Có đáp án)

  1. So sánh bằng - Ôn thi vào 10 - Ngày 14 I. So sánh ngang bằng 1. as as - Thể khẳng định  tobe + as + adj + as  verb + as + adv + as - Thể phủ định  be not + as + adj + as  not verb + as + adv + as Eg: She is as tall as her sister (Cô ấy cao như chị gái) Linda doesn’t play piano as well as her friend. (Linda không chơi piano giỏi như bạn cô ấy) 2. the same . as - Cấu trúc be/ verb + the same + (noun) + as - Eg: Chloe is the same age as Elsa. (Chloe cùng tuổi với Elsa) 3. Chú ý - Cấu trúc “as as” cũng có thể diễn đạt bằng cấu trúc “the same as” - Bảng chuyển đổi tính từ sang danh từ tương ứng Adjectives (Tính từ) Noun (Danh từ) heavy/ light weight high/ tall/ short height wide/ narrow width long/ short length old/ young age II. Bài tập vận dụng
  2. 4. Hoa’s skirt is the same as price as mine 5. Your brother is the same as weight as my nephew Exercice 2: Use either “as as” or “not as as” in the sentences below 1. The red car is ___as fast as___ the blue car. (fast) 2. Peter is __not as tall as___ Fred. (not/ tall) 3. The violin is ___not as low as___ the cello. (not low) 4. This copy is ___as bad as___ the other one. (bad) 5. Today is ___not as windy as___ yesterday. (not/ windy) 6. Silver __is not as heavy as___ gold. (not/ heavy) 7. Grapefruit juice is ___not as sweet as___ lemonade. (not/ sweet) 8. Tomato soup was ___as delicious as___ the mushroom soup. (delicious)