Ôn thi vào Lớp 10 môn Tiếng Anh - So sánh hơn (Có đáp án)

Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer

He drives ___________ than his father

as carefully

as careful

more carefully

more careful

Her brother is ___________ than David

more handsome


as handsome

A and B

Computers are usually _____________ than telephones

more expensively

more expensive

as expensively

as expensive

Linda works ____________ than her brother

as hard


as hard

more hardly

Talking a subway is faster __________ taking any other available means of transport to get to the airport





doc 4 trang thihien 23/05/2023 6960
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  1. So sánh hơn - Ôn thi vào 10 - Ngày 16 I. Công thức so sánh hơn 1 So sánh hơn của tính từ Tính từ ngắn Tính từ dài be + adj-er + than be + more adj + than She is shoter than me Your house is more expensive than my house 2. So sánh hơn của trạng từ Trạng từ ngắn Trạng từ dài be + adv-er + than be + more adv + than Jame runs faster than me Thomas speaks English more fluently than his friend 3. Lưu ý - Một số tính từ có hai âm tiết tận cùng là -ow, -et, -le, -er thì có hai hình thức so sánh Eg: narrow => narrower/ more narrow quiet => quieter/ more quiet - Một số tính từ và trạng từ bất quy tắc Tính từ/ trạng từ So sánh hơn good/ well better bad/ badly worse many/ much more little less far farther/ further old older/ elder II. Bài tập vận dụng Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer 1. He drives ___ than his father
  2. 2. This scarf is ___ (beautiful) than the one in the window 3. Mr. Smith is ___ (bad) today than yesterday. 4. She thinks Chinese is ___ (difficult) then English 5. Your car is old! It is ___ (dangerouse) than mine 6. Jane is 8 and Kim is 10. Jane is ___ (young) than Kim 7. Champagne is ___ (expensive) than water 8. Travelling by plane is ___ (fast) than travellong by train 9. Your cat is ___ (small) than my dog 10. A holiday in Thailand is ___ (exciting) than a holiday in Spain Exericse 3: Rewrite the sentences without changing their original meanings 1. John is 173 cm. Michael is 165 cm John ___ 2. My new house is 90 square metres. My old one is 50 square metres. My new house ___ 3. The white scarf is 5 dollas. The red one is 3 dollas The red scarf isn’t ___ III. Đáp án bài tập vận dụng Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B Exercise 2: Complete each sentence or question with the correct comparative form 1. My suitcase is ___larger___ (large) than your suitcase. 2. This scarf is ___more beautiful___ (beautiful) than the one in the window 3. Mr. Smith is ___worse___ (bad) today than yesterday. 4. She thinks Chinese is ___more difficult___ (difficult) then English 5. Your car is old! It is ___more dangerous___ (dangerouse) than mine 6. Jane is 8 and Kim is 10. Jane is ___younger___ (young) than Kim